iLender Mortgage Experts

We make it happen!

about us ilender

At iLender we put your best interests first and not the Bank – our advice is unbiased as all Lenders who we do business with pay about the same in commissions. Although we are Auckland based Mortgage Brokers, we help customers everywhere in New Zealand and overseas with buying property in New Zealand, as we are very much about online and giving advice here and now!

“Probably the best Mortgage Broker in NZ”

Arranging your Mortgage is what we are passionate about and we have lots of happy customers and this is shown by the large number of people that come back to us and also refer other customers to us for advice. Quite a few have taken the time to review our services on Google and TradeMe – with 100’s of independent reviews. We’re TradeMe’s number one rated Mortgage Adviser business! We thank our Customers for their support over the years and for their kind words.


  • Is Independent of any Lender or Bank
  • Has over 20 years experience in the Mortgage market
  • Is the highest rated Broker on TradeMe
  • All Banks with whom we do business, pay about the same so it’s you that matters
  • Does the work at no cost to you (mainstream Bank mortgages)
  • Advises on checking out important stuff like Legal structure, Wills and Insurance
  • Helps First Home Buyers
  • Advises People Moving Upmarket
  • Offers Investment Property Buyers Guidance *Up to 80% still available*
  • Assists with sourcing Bridging and Short term Finance

Proud of ‘Top Adviser’ Award 2023

Jeff Royle has helped people realise their property goals for over 30 years, becoming an authority on the non-bank sector in the UK in the 90s.
Moving to New Zealand in 2006, Jeff set up iLender, immersing himself in the local Non-Bank market, and soon became the ‘go-to’ Adviser for both Clients and other Mortgage Advisers. This continues to this day.

He enjoys putting a lot back into the industry and local community whenever possible. When not being the ‘Financial Paramedic’, Jeff is a Coastguard volunteer with more than 10 years’ service. He also enjoys shooting clay birds, gardening and classic cars. He is married to Heather and shares five kids and three grandkids, who help keep him fully occupied!

Mortgages and Home loans don’t always have to come from a Bank.

We have access to funds from both Banks and non Banks, which means we can help you if you need:

  • a Low Deposit mortgage
  • a Self Employed mortgage
  • a Bad Credit mortgage.

All these can be arranged quickly and simply and are often a ‘means to an end’ in resolving an immediate need. Also it can give you buying time, so that the mortgage you really want (i.e. a Bank mortgage), can be put into place as quickly as possible.

We are members of the FANZ (Financial Advice New Zealand) and governed by the FMA (Financial Markets Authority). We are accredited to Banks and Lending institutions throughout New Zealand, as well as having access to Private funds for those ‘out of the square’ situations.

This ensures that you get quality and professional advice.

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Jeff Royle - "The Skipper" - aka Financial Paramedic

Jeff has helped people realise their property goals for over 30 years, becoming an authority on the Non Bank sector in the UK in the 90’s.

Moving to NZ in 2006, Jeff set up iLender, which might not have been the best timing as the world was on the verge of the GFC with lending virtually ceasing.

Driven by his focus on the ‘Why’ – helping people with their property goals, today Jeff is a significant player in the Non Bank market, often consulted by Lenders for advice on product and strategy.

Jeff sees amazing opportunities assisting those who cannot be served by the Banks.

Phone: 021 765 016

Heather Royle Development Director

Heather Royle - "The Navigator" - aka Development Director

Having worked in management roles in Financial Services here and in the UK, for over 30 years, Heather brings a steady and focused hand to iLender’s ship.

Phone: 021 754 130

We only get paid if we get you a “Yes” – so that’s always our main focus!

We take the hard work and worry out of you arranging your own Mortgage.

Saving you time and making the process as easy and simple as possible is what we do every day!

Some of the Financial Institutions we work with


Don’t just take our word for it – check out our reviews!

Google Rating
Based on 138 reviews

Should you wish to register a complaint…

If you are dissatisfied in any way with our service we want to know about it. We want to get it right for you.

We have a formal internal complaint handling process and will try to reach a satisfactory resolution with you as soon as possible.

Please contact Heather Royle, Director on 09 428 5333.

You can make your complaint verbally, by email or letter.

We will acknowledge your complaint within 2 days and try to resolve your complaint within 15 working days. We may need to ask you for further information or agree on an extension if the issue is complex, or there are issues outside our control.

If we cannot agree on a resolution you can contact our independent external dispute resolution scheme, Financial Services Complaints Ltd.

Financial Services Complaints Ltd is an external financial dispute resolution scheme and can be contacted at: or 0800 347 257.

They will investigate your complaint and work to facilitate an agreed resolution. If this is not possible the Scheme may make a formal decision which is binding on us, but not you unless you accept the decision. The process is free to you and the Scheme will assist you to lodge your complaint.

Best mortgage rates, 10% deposit owner-occupied and 20% rental purchase, self-employed with no financials and help for those with bad credit or arrears.

Call 0800 536 337