Mortgage Arrears?
Act Now!

Take action now, before you receive a Property Law Act (PLA) notice
What happens if I receive a PLA notice?
There are two stages to the PLA (Property Law Act) process.
The first is a Lender calls up the arrears and sets a time for them to be paid.
Secondly, if these are not paid, then the Lender can issue a formal demand for the whole amount and unless this is paid, they can instruct a Real Estate Agent to sell your home at Mortgagee Sale.
Doing nothing is not an option – it’s vital that you seek professional help immediately.
Why would I receive such a notice?
Usually it’s because the Lender has failed to collect the due payments and you have therefore defaulted.
It could also be the end of the term, if a short-term loan was put in place, or it could be because of you putting a Caveat or Second mortgage in place without consent.
Whatever the reason, it’s a serious situation and needs to be remedied immediately.
What information is in a PLA notice?
It will list the defaults under the mortgage agreement (deed), the amount of arrears and/or full payment due, including arrears and penalties and finally the deadline date.
It may contain other information and you are well advised to seek legal advice.
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