Lending is seeing a lot of changes currently so here's a breakdown of what to expect. Loan to Values (LVR's) Currently a bank can only lend up to 25% of its money to owner occupiers with less...
A collection of articles, stories, tips and tools designed to keep you informed about the Mortgage market.
Options for when your ‘Interest Only’ term expires
In an increasing interest rate environment, coming off a low interest rate PLUS coming to the end of an ‘Interest Only’ term, can be financially traumatic! Be proactive and explore your options....
When a Bank can’t help, where can I get a Home Loan at Bank rates?
Good question! We are asked this a lot, so here's our guide to 'close to, but not a Bank, lending'. The first thing we ask is why? What is it about the application that makes the Bank say No? There...
When is the right time to refix or refinance my mortgage?
When your fixed rate mortgage comes to the end of its term, most lenders will automatically transfer you to a new fixed rate or floating rate home loan. As a homeowner, this type of...
Struggling to save up for a 20% deposit? Here are your options
Struggling to save up for a house deposit? You’re not alone. Buyers across the country are feeling the effects of a booming property market, with the latest real estate figures showing that the...
Best mortgage rates, 10% deposit owner occupied and 20% rental purchase, self employed with no financials and help for those with bad credit or arrears.
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