With plenty of talk around Bank lending getting harder, there's not much about the options. Over the years Banks here have done a great job at being seen by many Kiwis as their only option for home...
A collection of articles, stories, tips and tools designed to keep you informed about the Mortgage market.
Considering buying off plan?
For many home buyers, and even those looking to buy an investment property, buying off the plan can be an attractive proposition.
6 Reasons to Invest in Property in New Zealand
Investing in property is one of the simplest strategies to grow your personal wealth. It allows you to generate long-term income and hold a valuable asset, helping you create a better financial...
Do You Have Hidden Equity?
Putting together a deposit is often the hardest part about buying a property. Fortunately, those who have already bought their first home have a number of financing options to further grow their...
5 Tips for New Landlords
Investing in property is one of the most popular ways to secure a positive financial future in New Zealand. Investors who find the right investment property benefit from a consistent source of...
How to Get and Keep Great Tenants
Successful property investment is all about achieving a consistent and profitable revenue stream. Finding and keeping quality tenants is one of the most important aspects in this regard. Here are...
5 Benefits of Using A Mortgage Broker
Four Smart Strategies to Get Mortgage-Free Faster
Best mortgage rates, 10% deposit owner occupied and 20% rental purchase, self employed with no financials and help for those with bad credit or arrears.
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