The Right Lender to Suit You

by Mar 14, 2018Industry News, Non-Bank Lending

resimac - home loan

Specialist lending supports sustainable adviser businesses

The non-bank sector is on the move. As an adviser, you would have noticed the growth over the past few years, and the trend is continuing in 2018.

We spoke to TMM last week about RESIMAC’s growth – 30% increase in applications and 35% increase in settlements (July 2017 to January 2018). But what is just as significant to note, is the potential for advisers. We’ve seen it time and time again, advisers who embrace specialist lending, build resilient and sustainable businesses. Take Jeff Royle for example…

This month, Jeff Royle and his team at iLender completed their 500th application with RESIMAC. Now that’s a truly impressive number, but a number that is perhaps even more impressive, is that out of the many loans introduced by Jeff, there is not a single arrears or default on the books. Now that has to be the definition of finding the right home loan for your client.

So what’s behind these impressive numbers? According to Jeff, it’s about a commission and business model that supports ongoing relationships with clients, the breadth of RESIMAC’s product range, and the fact that he and his team are focused on finding a way to say ‘yes’ to their clients.

“RESIMAC has a product for nearly every client scenario you can think of. First home buyer with a low deposit, we can help you; getting divorced and need to refinance your home, yes we can do that too. Without this kind of lending a lot of people who would not be in the homes they’re in.”

“When we get a loan over the line, there’s a genuine sense of having helped someone. And because we’ve done something that a lot of people don’t, our clients refer – a lot. Our ability to turn a ‘no’ into a ‘yes’ becomes an incredibly powerful referral programme.”

“We do spend a lot of time with clients to make sure that people stay on track: that’s why you’re paid trail after all – to maintain the relationship with your clients. And of course, as time goes by, the trail book grows to well, something quite significant.”

We’ve worked with Jeff since RESIMAC launched in New Zealand five years ago, and want to take this opportunity to share our congratulations on both building a successful business and helping his clients make it possible.

About iLender

At iLender we put your best interests first and not the Bank – our advice is unbiased as all Lenders who we do business with pay about the same in commissions.

Although we are Auckland based Mortgage Brokers, we help customers everywhere in New Zealand and overseas with buying property in New Zealand, as we are very much about online and giving advice here and now!

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